“How to Strengthen Project Team Culture? Build a Tribe!”

“How to Strengthen Project Team Culture? Build a Tribe!”

PMI Singapore Project Team PDU 1 PMI Singapore Project Team PDU 5
PMI Singapore Project Team PDU 4



Check,*Channel NewsAsia and learn why you should upskill your soft skills if you are looking for a promotion and better-paid job (see links below for details).

Register today and upskill your soft skills! Team management and Coordinating with others are ranked among the first 5 skills you need to thrive in business.





Every project organization is a culture. Understanding the unique aspects of a project culture and bringing together professionals from various cultures are important project management abilities. In this presentation we will dive into the importance of rituals, campfire conversations and totem poles, and we will discuss power relations, conflicts and collaboration with the team. Illustrated with examples from other tribes, projects and our own organization, we suggest you build a tribe to enhance project results! 

Speakers' Profile

Karen Smits


Karen Smits, Ph.D. is an international expert in Organizational Anthropology. Her Ph.D. study Cross Culture Work: Practices of Collaboration in the Panama Canal Expansion Program receives much attention in the project management world, and beyond. This research shows the people-side of project management and reveals how project participants deal with the cultural complexity in their everyday work life.

At Practical Thinking Group, Karen is active as Global Thinker on Organizational Culture & Change Management. Often tied to Project Management services, she designs and facilitates cultural change processes. Karen also teaches in the Executive MBA of ADEN University, and she is often invited to speak at international corporate events.

After 5 years in Panama and 3 years in Brazil, Karen is now based in Singapore. She strives to make the cultural context of the organization and its members more visible, which supports collaboration and its outcomes within the (project) organization.


Event Particulars

Date:    2nd Aug 2018, Thursday
Time:    7.00pm to 9.00pm
             Registration and Refreshments starts from 6.15pm onwards
Venue: Singapore Management Institute | Seminar Room B1-1 @ School of Economics & Social Science | 90 Stamford Road | Singapore 178093

Direction & campus map

PDUs: 2

 Category  Early Bird Normal 
 SPMI Members *  SGD55  SGD70
 PMI & NTUC Members #  SGD70  SGD90
 Non- Members  SGD90  SGD100
 Valid Till  15 Jul
 1 Aug

* SPMI Members, please log-in to avail members' rate

# PMI & NTUC Members, please drop a email to events@pmi.org,sg after registration for partial refund as you need to pay non member rate first. Thanks.

*To learn more join SPMI seminar on 2nd Aug. and check below articles:

Channel NewsAsia, Expats have an edge over locals. Here's why,  https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/commentary/why-expats-have-an-edge-10547658

World Economic Forum, The 10 skills you need to thrive in the Fourth Industrial Revolution (People Management and Coordinating with others (i.e. teamwork & teammanagement)): 



Jointly organised by:

 SPMI Logo

 Isologo Practical Thinking 01


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Event Properties

Event Date 02-08-2018 7:00 pm
Event End Date 02-08-2018 9:00 pm
Cut off date 01-08-2018 11:55 pm
Registered 34
Individual Price 100SGD
Location School of Economics & Social Science

We are no longer accepting registration for this event